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Home Insurance FAQs
What is meant by Building Cover?
Your Buildings Cover refers to your home and the fixtures and fittings within the home. Your Buildings Cover also includes garages and domestic outbuildings, permanent swimming pools, hard-courts, paved terraces, patios, drives, paths, walls, gates and fences, all contained within the boundaries of the land of the home.
- What is meant by Contents Cover?
Contents Cover refers to household goods, valuables items and belongings, excluding money but including credit cards (up to €500) owned by, or the legal responsibility of you or a member of your family when in your home. Home office equipment up to a maximum value of €4,000.
Contents Cover excludes mechanically propelled vehicles (other than domestic gardening machinery), pets, plants & property used for business or trade (other than home office equipment).- How much contents cover should I choose?
As your Blue Insurance Home Cover policy replaces your contents on a “New for Old” basis (less an allowance for wear and tear for clothing, footwear, floor coverings, household linen) you should calculate your sum insured based upon the value of your contents as new.
Please use our checklist to help you calculate your contents sum insured.
See Questions below regarding underinsurance.- What happens if I under value my Sum Insured?
If the sum insured at the time of the insured loss or damage is less than the cost of rebuilding or replacing as new all the buildings & contents covered then you shall be considered as being your own insurer for the difference and we will pay only that proportion of the loss or damage which the sum insured bears to such cost.
If it is necessary to make a deduction for wear and tear then the cost of rebuilding or replacing as new less the allowance for wear and tear will be compared with your actual sum insured. You will only be paid that proportion of the loss or damage which your sum insured bears to this cost of rebuilding or replacing.- What is covered under my home insurance policy?
Our Standard policy covers you for:- Fire, Storm, Flood & Weight of Snow, Malicious Damage, Subsidence, Theft, Escape of Water & Oil, Damage caused by Impact.
Loss of rent and alternative accommodation if your Building becomes uninhabitable following damage covered under the Buildings section Up to 15% of the Building Sum Insured for a maximum period of 12 months TV & Radio Aerials, Masts or Dishes €750 Fire Brigade Charges Up to €2,000 Replacement Locks Up to €500 Damage to Underground Pipes & Cables Up to €2,000 Legal Liability to the public Up to €2,000,000 Emergency Services access damage Up to €750 The cost of tracing a leak Up to €750 Theft of Contents from Outbuildings Up to €750
Up to €1,000 from Locked OutbuildingContents Temporarily removed Up to 10% of the Contents Sum Insured Contents - Student accommodation Up to €1,000 Fatal Accident Up to €5,000 Personal Money Up to €500 Credit Cards Up to €1,250 Title Deeds Up to €600 Deep Freezer Contents Up to €500 Tenants Liability Up to 20% of the Contents Sum Insured Loss of Oil and / or Metered Water Up to €800 Legal Liability to Domestic Employees Up to €2,000,000 Contents in Open Up to €500 Accidental Damage Optional Personal Possessions & Pedal Cycles outside your home Optional
Your policy also includes the following additional benefits:- What paperwork do I need to support a claim?
Where we elect to settle your claim on a cash basis, we may release a proportion of the estimated cost of repair/reinstatement prior to completion of the work. You must keep your receipts for any repair/reinstatement work as you will need to validate these costs. The balance of the cost, known as a ‘retention amount’, will be paid to you on receipt of the relevant documentation that validates the costs incurred by you for the repair/reinstatement work (e.g. VAT invoices)
Where the value of an item exceeds €2,500 it will be necessary for a valuation (if not already provided) or recent evidence of value or proof of purchase.
The maximum amount we will pay for any valuable Item is €4,000 unless details of the item have been notified to us prior to the loss or damage. - What is meant by Contents Cover?